Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maybe If I Write About Writer's Block It'll Go Away

So I'm still writing my daily poem. As soon as I'm not super busy with work, I'll post them. But I've been finding it increasingly difficult. At first I thought it's just because I do it so often, it's getting old. Or I'm running out of ideas. But today was a weird day. I cleaned out my closet and my grandparents mailed us some old home videos so I watched them and when I walked my dog I didn't see anyone on the street and the atmosphere felt like there was some perfect combination of the trees and the color of the sky and the time of day that it felt like it only happened once a year and somehow it looked like it had just rained and I didn't see anybody and no cars went by and the one thing that's been on my mind for months kind of went away so when I came home I wrote the first good poem I've written in a while. It's this one stupid little thing that I can't stop thinking about and it's the only thing I can write about and it sucks but I keep saying I have to write about what's on my mind because it's the only thing I'll be able to write about well. Now I'm thinking I just have to put my mind somewhere else. And I'm thinking of what I'll have to do in order to do that. I should be able to write no matter what time of day it is and no matter how the trees look against the sky. I just need more control over my thoughts. Or less. They mean pretty much the same thing to me. I need a change of atmosphere or a new notebook or to remove a person from my life or add another. I feel like my days used to always be like today. But I can't remember them all that well. I usually remember things as better than they actually were.

1 comment:

  1. BEst sentence ever: I cleaned out my closet and my grandparents mailed us some old home videos so I watched them and when I walked my dog I didn't see anyone on the street and the atmosphere felt like there was some perfect combination of the trees and the color of the sky and the time of day that it felt like it only happened once a year and somehow it looked like it had just rained and I didn't see anybody and no cars went by and the one thing that's been on my mind for months kind of went away "

    Like Faulkner. You're not blocked at all, you're just not writing, Even your crap smells pretty good, writerly speaking.

    Who are you reading these days?
