Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inside the Mind of a Newbie

I know that for the first three days, I was pretty shy and boring. Oh well. Despite my inability to express enthusiasm, I really do like STAC. In three days I feel like I've already learned so much. I'm scared shitless to make a fool out of myself, but I'm completely ready to do so. I'm in here for writing which is funny because I remember what I submitted to get into STAC and it was crap. One of my goals is to make a few things that I can look back on in ten years and still not think it's crap. I don't doubt that I'll look back on this blog entry and think it's crap, but I think too much so I'm just going to write and try not to say anything too dumb.
I titled my blog "All that I've never thought of - think of me". I really hate titles. I'd rather go in the Emily Dickinson direction and not title anything I do. So after some long hard thinking, I decided to take this line I like from this poem I like and make it my title. I used to write about what I know. Now I try to write about things I don't know. I like to make up characters that are nothing like anything I've ever seen, but are still very real. We all live in one world, and there are countless numbers of stories that take place here. When I make up my own world, there's only one story that takes place there. Then, something I don't know becomes something I do know, and I know it better than the real world because I made it. My title expresses my fascination with the fact that through art, you can pull something out of your own brain that wasn't there before. I guess.


  1. I recall rather liking your writing, and I am pretty sure I don't like crap. But I also really liked your application. You had organically different answers, and we look for that - people who are different without trying to be so.

    "Then, something I don't know becomes something I do know, and I know it better than the real world because I made it." - this is profound in a round about way.

    Welcome to STAC.


  2. It's okay to be scared shitless of making a fool out of yourself. I was when I was in 9th grade too. I remember thinking "all these seniors are really good at improv and i'm not good at all." But here's a dirty little secret: making a complete fool out of yourself has got to be one of the funnest things in the world! Sometimes I make a complete fool out of myself even when I'm not asked to.. Like in regular academic classes, or when I'm walking down the hallway. It's fun. It's freeing. It's plain old good for the soul

  3. You have a really strong voice, I can tell just by this one little blog. And I completely know what you mean about understanding the world you made up better than the world you live in. It's a writer thing I guess.
